Another busy week - got 2 large orders off to Wet Coast Wools in Vancouver and Kelowna Yarn. Took a road trip to Kelowna to pick up citric acid and deliver the yarns.
They have a cute pair of sheep outside at Kelowna Yarn. There used to be 3, but someone decided they needed one for themselves!
I decided to get into my spinning stash - this is what I am working on right now. I found a bagful of gorgeous kid mohair locks that I had dyed and
just lightly picked.
And this is the first skein I made. I spun the locks and then plied with a thread. The texture and feel are amazing.
So I dug into the stash to see what I need to do. Here are a few discoveries.
More silk hankies.
Some more Border Leicester, loosely picked. Are you getting a feel of my favourite colours?
Also finished a pair of socks for my husband, in Seattle Seahawks colourway sock yarn that I dyed.
Will keep you posted on the stash busting.