Monday, 30 May 2016

Where have I been?

Well, my computer needed fixing, and when it came back with a new hard drive, of course I did not backup everything I needed. So it has been a while trying to get things back to the way they were.

But in April, I attended the Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers Spin-in, held once again at the beautiful Walnut Beach Resort in Osoyoos ( What a fabulous weekend! Great weather, great friends, great food, great fun.
 Meals are always wonderful - but the size of the eating area is what limits the amount of attendees to this retreat. Too bad, as I know many other people who would like to come.
I took this picture with the sun shining perfectly on Sharon Wickstrom's (Homespun Haven) setup.
Linda Schultz from Oliver brought alpaca fibre, rovings, and these cute teddy bears made from alpaca fleece. I purchased some oh-so-soft grey pencil rovings, and spun a single and plied with the 
mauve merino singles that I also spun.

Jen Allgeier from Oliver was there with her mohair fibre, 
raised and prepared by herself.
So sunny, I had to wear sunglasses inside!

Sandy McPherson once again blew us away with her show and tell of spindle spun yarns, knitted into gorgeous shawls.
 This one was spun from some merino/silk rovings that I dyed. Pattern is Botany.

The last shawl is Rock Around The Moon.

And on my way home, I had to stop and take a picture of the vineyards 
that go for miles and miles.